Silicone vs Carbon-Brained Writing

And tech was never the same. Indeed, AI has changed the game but it has not perfected it. 

And tech was never the same. Indeed, AI has changed the game but it has not perfected it. 

However, I can’t blame you for wondering if you’d save time & cash by just using AI to churn out your content. Can you do all of it? Can you only do some? How cool would it be, as a technical founder, to have an AI agent automate everything out of your brand’s mouth. 

Reality is not what it seems, however. And no, they didn’t take our jobs. 

ChatGPT & co are incredible tools to assist with research and speed up the overall writing process, but they’re not human enough to fully replace a writer:

  • Lack of creativity: AI generates content based on patterns it has learned from existing data. It often fails to produce the original, out-of-the-box ideas and creative copy that can set a brand apart. To stand out, you must break the pattern. 
  • Limited understanding of brand voice: While you can train GPT to mimic a certain style, it can’t capture the unique voice and tone that reflect a brand's identity, which is critical in communicating with your audience. They’ve come to expect a voice, you can’t change that overnight (unless it’s a massive improvement) and expect the same results. 
  • Insufficient industry-specific expertise: AI has broad knowledge but lacks expertise. You won’t find a LLM that speaks crypto slang without sounding cringe, or which can fully encompass how each vertical is interlinked.
  • Can’t analyze live data: AI does not have access to real-time market data or the ability to understand current consumer sentiment trends as they happen. 
  • Hallucinations: AI can misinterpret information or context, leading to inaccuracies, or even worse, it can spin completely out of control, hallucinating answers. 
  • No strategic thinking: AI can execute tasks but doesn't strategize. Human marketers can plan and adjust marketing strategies based on performance data, competitive analysis, and changing business goals.

And believe me, I’ve tried. The hedonistic intent to run an agency that produces 100k+ words per day at our rates, for free, was too much to resist. But it doesn’t live up to the expectations - if you’re not too internet-native, or are just stumbling upon AI for the very first time, it might not be obvious. It’s not bad or wrong - it’s usually lifeless, despite our best efforts. 

Eventually, if you practice hard enough, with editing and severe prompt engineering, you’ll produce something we’d deem acceptable too. But doing that consistently won’t save you more time than writing yourself, or more money than hiring a writing team. 

Your Second Brain

Use AI to research, brainstorm, get yourself going, fact-check (maybe?), and experiment. 

Need an outline? It got you. Need 55 title ideas? Np. Need to have a concept ELI5-ed? Let’s go. Need it to generate a 5k-word macro-analysis like Arthur Hayes? I’m sorry. As an AI language model, I’m unable to perform that specific task.  

October 18, 2024
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