Make Content Great Again.

Want your community to plough millions of their hard-earned fake internet money into your project? Your content better be good. Here's why.

If you want people’s trust, it has to look good, and it has to sound right. Peacock’s prosper. 

If you want your community to plough millions of their hard-earned fake internet money into your project, you probably shouldn’t have typos on your Telegram ANNs, amateur articles that feel written by high schoolers, and Microsoft Clip art for your headers. Impressions are formed fast, and even initial positive opinions are easily scuppered with bad outreach. People don’t often choose to eat in dirty restaurants, no matter how good the food might be.

People only know what you tell them. If you want to welcome people into your church, the stonework has to look pretty. To outsiders, If you can’t put together a good looking website, how can you put together a market-leading crypto token - especially when so many others are trying? If you can’t write words well, how can you write code? Now, perhaps that’s unfair. Maybe you’re a wizard with Rust and useless at HTML, a thought-leader lacking linguistics, an artist who can’t draw. 

Yet the crowd don’t care - they want to be entertained. If your content sucks, you’re not going to make it. Like manic moths, people will be drawn to the brightest flames.

Content = Substance

Beautiful design and compelling writing don’t just draw people to your project, they add professional credibility and substance to your entire endeavour. It shows that you care. It shows that you didn’t just copy paste some cliff notes, or write out a meandering blog that looks, frankly, amateur, or have a by-the-numbers ChatGPT article that is riddled with inaccuracies, or a Microsoft Paint job done by your friend as a favor. Great content is shareable, thought-provoking, and actionable. Great design makes people care.

To be successful, one must present an image of success. Attention to detail, quality, and clarity sells. You want every aspect of your project to evince this. If you want people’s money, you need to look good, and you want design, branding, and messaging to be consistent. 

You want to show that you are not just familiar with the web3 space, but that you are a leader within it. You have to know the vernacular of the space. Consistent production of market-relevant and topical materials and your place within it shows that your finger is on the pulse, and that people can trust your project is in it for the long haul. It’s not just about making them come, it’s about making them stay.

Presentation = Ape

GM Factory does that work for you. We manufacture pristine public-facing materials so that no one questions your authenticity, quality, or execution. We maximize the professionalism of your brand and make you look, smell, taste, and feel like one of the big boys, even if you’re just starting out.

You focus on the crypto, we’ll focus on the craft. You pamp it, we’ll pimp it. 

June 26, 2023
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Retro telephone that produces holographic image of email address and social media links